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As a global leader in energy efficient air treatment solutions, we at Munters take our Corporate Social Responsibility seriously. We understand how we impact the world we all live in.

This is why at Munters we work every day to create "Your Perfect Climate". For our customers we provide products and solutions that reduce their energy consumption. This contributes to the reduction of the world's emissions.

In our manufacturing we have a sustainable approach, focusing on efficient usage of natural resources, while reducing and recycling our waste. Because at Munters, one of our core values is to think "there is always a better way".

We have made significant improvements but we pledge to always seek opportunities to improve our products as well as our manufacturing practices.

Munters will continue to be a part of creating a sustainable future for everyone.

John Peter Leesi
CEO, Munters AB

Policy & Application

Sustainability Policy

Munters' ambition is to achieve "Your Perfect Climate" through sustainable solutions. These must provide both environmental and economic benefits for our customers as well as for society as a whole. One of our core values is therefore "Sustainable Value Creation".

It is our ambition to manufacture products in a manner that results in a safe, healthy, and environmentally friendly business. We do this for our employees, customers, communities, and the overall environment.


Munters Business Principles and Policies have been formulated to support the United Nations Global Compact and its ten principles on corporate social responsibility.

These principles are composed of rules addressing respect for:

  • Basic human rights
  • Labor rights, including regulations against child and forced labor
  • Environmental and safety guidelines
  • Rules against corruption


Munters' Business Principles and Policies apply globally to Munters business areas, functions and to Munters' employees.


Board Members are responsible for formally deciding the business principles as well as monitoring the progress of implementation through regular meetings

Group Managers are responsible for implementing the business principles, including setting and reviewing group level targets for improvements. Group management develops policies, group targets, and monitors the progress.

Directors are responsible for translating and directing the business principles, corporate objectives & targets and associated policies into local procedures along with required local legislation

Managers and/or Supervisors are responsible for ensuring that their employees understand the business principles, policies, procedures, and targets. They must also ensure that their employees receive relevant training in this area.

Employees are responsible for having a good working knowledge of the business principles, policies, and procedures relevant to their jobs and applying these.

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Your Perfect Climate




