除湿机 / 小型转轮除湿机
- 便携式小巧机型
- 能把干空气出口露点温度处理至-20ºC
- 抗震式设计
- 安装方便
- 机电湿度控制器
- 不锈钢壳
The MH270 desiccant dehumidifier is designed to efficiently dehumidify air. It is designed for extended periods of operation and has a common fan for both process and reactivation airflows (i.e. a three hole unit). It contains a distribution chamber with isolated sections that provide a precise balance for dehumidification, purge, reactivation, and heat recovery airflows. It is available with either a standard version or an advanced version control panel. Its rugged formed metal frame and access panels are produced from corrosion resistant ALUZINK®. The electrical control system conforms to EN 60204 (IEC204) standards and the electrical components are assembled behind the control panel. MH Series dehumidifiers conform to both harmonised European Standards and to CE marking specifications.