冷风机和加湿器 / 直接蒸发式制冷机组
HM3 2000蒸发冷却空调系统
Humimax™ HM3 系列
- 控制性能出色
- 相对湿度波动范围极小
- 无过度饱和危险
- 风扇转速可调节
- 低噪音
- 生命周期成本低
- 安装便捷
- 低能耗
Humimax™ is a series of self contained humidifier units. The HM3 2000 is a stand alone humidifier with a nominal airflow of 2000m3/h. It provides excellent humidification as well as automatic control of humidity levels throughout a broad range of application areas, such as print houses, wood and furniture storages, museums and computer rooms as well as vegetable and fruit storage. The unit is designed to keep an optimum balance between required humidification efficiency and stability, as well as very low energy consumption. Easy installation (plug and play) and maintenance has been the main focus during product development.