温湿度控制 / 配件
- 可控制对1只或2只活禽的称量;
- 长达500天的数据收集能力;
- 防水、防尘,具备电涌和闪电保护功能;
- 高品质电缆、不锈钢挂壁式或落地式平台;
- 配置五位数码显示器和USB电脑接口;
- 可设置标准曲线、或设定用户自用式曲线(家禽称重系统);
- 称重精度误差在每只家禽重量的0.2%左右(家禽称重系统);
- 可显示每日增重量的标准偏差值(家禽称重系统);
The weighing platform is placed on the slats or floor. Apart from the expected weight of the animals, curves for cocks and Hens are added. Because the computer knows the expected weight of the animals, the scale can calculate average weight of males / hens. The weighing is performed when one or more animals step onto the weighing platform. If two animals step on the weighing platform simultaneously, this will be considered as an incorrect weighing, but if there is an interval of 2-3 seconds between them, the weight measurements will be saved. The weight margin is set in the system parameter list as a percentage of the expected weight. The current average weight of hens and roosters can be seen in the parameter list, and can not be changed as these are automatically updated according to the user curve. In the parameter list one can choose between 3 standard curves. If these do not match the current needs of the user can embed curves.
Connected to RSC-2 for PC, you can sit at home or at the office and make the daily data collection.
To communicate via remote PC Munters FarnNet must be sed.
• Standard curves or the users own curves
• Can weigh up to 25 kg.
• Separate rooster/hen scale
• Precision per weighing + - 0,2%
• Data Summary up to one year back
• Battery backup
• Up to 50m (300 ft) cable
• Automatic update of average weight
• Displays the standard deviation of daily increment etc.
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