温湿度控制 / 农业控制系统
Natural Center / Master农业温湿度控制器
农场控制器 CC 系列
- FarmHand 温度、相对湿度监控
- Farm Hand 继电器及变速输出
- Farm Hand 适用于通风分级控制
- FarmMaster / FarmCenter 经济节约的解决方案,更适合供排列紧凑的小型栏舍进行复杂的人工 气候控制
- 经济节约的解决方案,更适合供排列紧凑的小型栏舍进行复杂的人工 气候控制
- 功能广泛的FarmCenter用户界面
- 全功能控制器 Farm Master/Farm Center
- FarmPro 对养殖舍内的多项功能实施全面控制
Munters advanced Natural Center and Natural Master climate controllers are two innovative products that work together to facilitate ease of operation and trouble free climate control.
The user-friendly Munters solution is based on an inclusive system, in which one central server – Natural Center controls high-performance Natural Master control units which can be installed in the different areas of the facility. Up to 10 Master units can be connected to 1 Center unit.
By choosing the Natural Center and Natural Master control system, you obtain a wide range of monitoring options and automated ventilation adjustments in accordance with your requirements. By ensuring ideal natural ventilation for your barn/stable, you greatly increase the livestock welfare and thereby your production yield. Munters Natural Center and Natural Master controllers provides an excellent combination of ventilation control, adjustment and monitoring and forms an integral part of the natural ventilation for livestock stables and milking parlours.
Rugged and weather proof control boxes are designed for fast access to adjust ventilation and offers user friendly interface menu for the operator.