进气口 / 执行器



  • 通过内置蓄电池紧急开启通风口,以及自动向蓄电池充电。在正常工作情况及蓄电池工作状况下过载时自动停止。
  • 操作模式的LED指示,包括接线问题和电流过载。
  • 电池监视器将使用声、光信号进行显示,因此蓄电池需要定期进行更换(5年左右)
  • 可从动操作。
  • 如果线路发生中断,自动检测断开控制信号。
  • T41温控器与230V电源串联在一起,从而确保在线路中断时紧急开启。




TSN-1 is a modern controller for controlling LINAK actuators. There is one piece of TSN-1 for each Linak. The controller will adjust a damper with Linak actuator in a position corresponding to the input voltage 0-10. This voltage can come from our climate controls. The damper position is determined from the input voltage, measured reference position and max and min sets on the automatic trimmer. You can work with three types of actuators, Linak LA 12 Linak LA 32 or LA Linak 31. Linak LA 12 is a high-servo with a current limit of 1.4A, Linak LA 32 is a slow moving servo with more torque and current limit of 4A approx. Linak LA31 is a is a slow moving servo with more torque and current limit, but is only used for modulating operation.

• 220V supply voltage
• 24V supply output (Linak)
• 0 - 10V control voltage
• 12V battery backup in case of power failure
• Alarm tone at low battery voltage


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