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Munters MCD155 protects costly carbon filters at biogas plant

The Biogas plant Youngyun, South Korea has installed a Munters MCD155 desiccant dehumidifier to treat the air after processing of waste food

SKB (Scandinavian Biogas) a Swedish based company were given the task to improve the biogas production and increase the treatment of food waste at the Youngyun wastewater treatment plant in South Korea.
A new pre-treatment facility for the food waste was installed, re-designing and re-building the biogas process, adding ultrasound treatment and gas cleaning equipment.

By installing the MCD155 from Munters the relative humidity in the 8,000m³/h air stream from the process is now kept constant and reduced to a level at max. 50 %RH that does not harm the carbon filters.

The treatment of food waste increased from 40 metric ton per day to 180 ton per day. This has been both profitable for the city as well as highly beneficial for the environment and the green gas is sold to a local buyer.


  • Low and constant relative humidity around the year
  • Efficient protection of expensive carbon filters
  • Longer life time of carbon filters


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